Carrie Nagy Swain

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Worked on 395 assignments, created 335, named on 7 bylines for STACK.

By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Recovery-Essential to Maximize Training and Performance

Recovery is an essential factor when it comes to training and performance. How you do it is the difference between maximal or average strength development. However, most often, recovery is brushed-off and ignored. You deserve recognition and praise for training hard. On the contrary, don’t destroy all your hard work by overtraining. Although strength training is important to develop, it...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

4 Ways To Get More out of Your Sprinting

Nothing changes the dynamic of sports quite like speed. Whether it is a sprinter lining up to run a 100-meter dash or an attacker sprinting to win a ball in soccer, these four keys are vital to maximizing speed and getting the most out of your sprinting.1) Timed SprintsTimed sprints are a game-changer when it comes to getting faster. Let's...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

20 Minutes of Hell

The running workout is known as “20 Minutes of Hell,” is a challenging exercise that can be utilized by the power athlete in a wide variety of sports. The basic premise of this workout is to sprint 50 yards and walk/jog 100 yards for recovery over a given period of time. In a way, it is very similar to the...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

How to personalize and leverage technology for your performance training

As more innovation and technology enters our daily lives, they bring better ways to improve our performance training. The days of using a spiral notebook in gyms and weight rooms have been replaced by a dizzying array of apps and trackers to log sets, reps, weights, and more. Heart rate monitoring straps have been replaced by smart workout watches that...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

16 Injury Prevention Tips For Goaltenders

16 tips for better goaltending and off-ice advice on injury prevention for every position on the ice. #1 For all positions: Don't go on the ice before doing at least a few slow muscle stretches, i.e., from head to toes. The muscle flexion happens easily enough, but it is the opposite movement that builds that ability to exert the strong...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

The Importance of a Hockey Goaltender and Teamwork

I attended a medical seminar, and a question their inspired this article. "What is the importance of teamwork in the Emergency Room situation?" (It is a place that many, if not most, hockey players find themselves, at some point in their active playing time). The young audience made many guesses to that presenter's question of "What role would teamwork be...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

Yes, You Should: Tips For Integrating The Snatch and Clean & Jerk

A conversation I frequently have with fellow coaches and colleagues is whether or not weightlifting derivatives are worth the time they take to teach their athletes. At the same time, the answer (like most things in sports performance) has been inconclusive. A great deal of coach's state that weightlifting is not a great return on investment and that the risks...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Why Enforcers Aren't the Only Hockey Players in My Boxing Gym

You can walk into any local “fitness boxing” gym in your area and hear all about the benefits of picking up the activity. Boxing, real Boxing isn’t an “activity”. It’s a very specific set of movements with a very specific goal in mind. That goal is to put yourself in a position in which you can land a punch without...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

4 Benefits You're Missing By Not Having a Foam Roller

Are you tired of feeling tight, stiff, and sore after a workout, or feeling this way in general? We’ve all been there. A deep tissue massage is a wonderful remedy but not always accessible or affordable. This is where foam rollers come in. A foam roller is a cylindrical-shaped dense piece of foam. It comes in soft, hard, and spiked...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Technique for Strong Bases

In a stunt group, the bases are the foundation of the stunt. Without a strong foundation, it doesn't matter how good the flyer is. The stunt will struggle. A common misconception is that bases have to be super strong and muscular to be good bases. Although they will get stronger from basing, the strength doesn't come from muscles. It comes...

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