Jeffrey Watters

Voted "One of America's top trainers" by Vogue, Boxer Jeff Watters has written for such publications as Men's Health, Men's Fitness and Trail Runner. Detroit

Worked on 4 assignments, created 0, named on 4 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

10 Reasons Why Your Young Athlete Should Learn to Box

I got into boxing relatively late, at 18. Most of the fighters I know started much younger. I’ve been around many community youth boxing programs for the last 20 years, and in that time, I’ve noticed a difference in how the kid's train. For a long time, boxing was seen as an inner-city sport and something that was used to...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Workouts You Can do at Home

When most people think of boxing workouts, they think of the new chain gyms that offer group classes and fancy lights, illuminating a ring that's only there for effect. For me, someone that grew up watching the early Rocky movies, boxing is much simpler. With the COVID age, one of the things that we've lost and has had the most...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Why Enforcers Aren't the Only Hockey Players in My Boxing Gym

You can walk into any local “fitness boxing” gym in your area and hear all about the benefits of picking up the activity. Boxing, real Boxing isn’t an “activity”. It’s a very specific set of movements with a very specific goal in mind. That goal is to put yourself in a position in which you can land a punch without...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

Why Endurance Athletes Need to Lift Heavy Weights

It's always been a common thought that endurance athletes, if they lift at all, should lift lighter weights while using a higher repetition scheme. The philosophy behind this is the fact that endurance athletes use a disproportionate amount of slow twitch muscle fibers vs. fast twitch. Those slow twitch muscle fibers are stimulated more with the lighter load and higher...

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