Prof. P J Gammarano

Still-active ice hockey goaltender; formerly four years with Varsity Ice Hockey Team (Brooklyn College / CUNY), NYC MIHL champions 1975-1976 season. New York CIty, NY

Worked on 4 assignments, created 0, named on 4 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Ice Hockey Essentials: Puckhandling 101

You may recognize this request situation: The puck comes to you on the ice during a scrimmage shift in Open Hockey or a team game. What do you then do with the puck?Whether you're on defense or forward positions, here are the available options, and your optimal choice depends on: Your momentary place on the iceYour location on ice, i.e.,...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

Practice Drill Ice Hockey Practice Drills For Optimal Training & Development

Drafted here for the newly-interested Coach who may have inherited a hockey team of interested players, this list is bound to increment the skillset of defense and forwards alike. Another major objective is to build the 'Injury-Resistant Athlete'. Cross-training with other enjoyable sports is recommended, but beyond the scope of this agenda list for the hockey player. The order of...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

16 Injury Prevention Tips For Goaltenders

16 tips for better goaltending and off-ice advice on injury prevention for every position on the ice. #1 For all positions: Don't go on the ice before doing at least a few slow muscle stretches, i.e., from head to toes. The muscle flexion happens easily enough, but it is the opposite movement that builds that ability to exert the strong...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

The Importance of a Hockey Goaltender and Teamwork

I attended a medical seminar, and a question their inspired this article. "What is the importance of teamwork in the Emergency Room situation?" (It is a place that many, if not most, hockey players find themselves, at some point in their active playing time). The young audience made many guesses to that presenter's question of "What role would teamwork be...

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