Carrie Nagy Swain

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Worked on 395 assignments, created 335, named on 7 bylines for STACK.

By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Didn’t Make the Team? 5 Tips to Help Your Child Cope

Sports tryouts can cause kids to be nervous or not perform their best. If your child doesn't make the team or is not chosen to play the first string, they may feel not good enough or rejected. It can be disheartening not to make the squad or team.5 Tips To Help Your Athlete Stay Motivated And Confident1) Validate Their FeelingsRather...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

Parents. Stop Icing Your Kid's Injuries

Ice has long been hailed as the go-to treatment to heal pain, soreness and prevent swelling at the onset of the injury. It's a pretty universal practice. Within seconds after a collision, or when a player gets hit by a ball, every parent and coach is scrambles to find the nearest ice cubes to place on the injured area. All...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

How Coaches and Parents Can Work Together

Coaches and parents may disagree on many levels. However, there must be good communication and cooperation between the two. You must understand your role as a parent, and the same goes for the coach. The lack of communication and collaboration will affect and hamper your child’s sports experience, development, and learning. The finger-pointing and bickering may provoke your child to...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

Ditch RICE And Recover With PEACE & LOVE

Coaches, athletic trainers, and physicians have relied on the old acronym, RICE, to treat soft tissue injuries. Chances are you as well have memorized and applied this method of treatment for minor ankle sprains, pulled muscles, and other injuries. Let's say you are on a morning run going about a nice pace and listening to music. You don't see the...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

What To Do When Sports Schedules Overlap

Today's youth athlete is encouraged to partake in multiple sports and activities throughout their developmental years as the dangers of early specialization are well documented. Parents have seen the potentially detrimental effects that lasering in on a single sport at too early of an age can affect athletes in the past. Therefore the multi-sport athlete is a trend that has...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

Should Kids Be In The Gym?

Life with kids is undoubtedly no easy task. They change everything. They also give parents a gift that can never be forgotten by seeing them develop into young adults. Part of that development can include training and recreational sports. There is nothing better than seeing your own blood perform and train with love and passion, and even more so at...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

How To Handle Not Getting Enough Playing Time

If you spend a game warming the bench, it can be frustrating. If you spend a season warming the bench, you have become better at precisely one thing: increasing the wood temperature. Every player, including Aaron Rodgers and Michael Jordan, has sat watching their teammates play at some point in their career. No one expects you to enjoy the situation,...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

Rotational Plyometrics for Youth and High School Sports

Plyometric training, or more simply, jump training, has long been a staple of performance enhancement programs from youth to elite levels. With its focus on generating explosive force in the shortest amount of time and its relative simplicity to implement, jump training has easily been the most frequent method used to develop power in athletes. It is also a key...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

Navigating the Wild West of Sports Supplements

Sport and nutrition supplements are a massive, billion-dollar industry worldwide. It can be very tempting to believe some of the outrageous claims on the bottles and advertisements when looking for a competitive edge. Promises of faster fat loss, enhanced muscle gain, improved performance, and lightning-quick recovery are rarely delivered. Unfortunately, many of the benefits from these products are unfounded or...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

The Impact Of Kids Training Too Hard

Crushing kids with workouts and at practice negatively impacts them mentally, physically, and emotionally. Pushing and working them out hard, you think, would be great. However, there are negative effects and impacts that you should know. Training and sport need to build good values from participation, having fun, and competition, not pressure and intimidation to be stronger, faster, and having...

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