I am a NASM Master Trainer(CPT, CES, PES, GPT, FNS, SCS) and I own Over-Achieve Fitness in Chambersburg. Chambersburg, PA
Worked on 23 assignments, created 0, named on 23 bylines for STACK.
By Mike Over + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read
What are Complexes? Why You Should Try This Muscle-Building, Calorie-Torching, Time-Saving Training Tactic
Do you ever find yourself short on time to train? Or find yourself in a gym so jam-packed that training seems impossible? Or perhaps you're simply unsatisfied with the results your current program is producing. No matter which one of these applies to you, complexes can help you conquer the issue. This training tactic is not only extremely time- and...
Life with kids is undoubtedly no easy task. They change everything. They also give parents a gift that can never be forgotten by seeing them develop into young adults. Part of that development can include training and recreational sports. There is nothing better than seeing your own blood perform and train with love and passion, and even more so at...
Electrolytes are a key piece to any athlete's arsenal. Here is what you need to know. Growing up, I fell victim. High sugary drinks, such as Gatorade and Powerade, were taught as the athlete's only way to replenish, recover, and rehydrate. The only issue is that these high sugar, high-calorie drinks tend to do more harm than good. Artificial dyes,...
How to Worry Less About Your Female Athletes Getting Injured
Over the years, we have known females to be at higher risk for injuries to the lower extremities. Still, now more so than ever, we really need to be concerned and applying the best practices of "pre-hab" work to keep them healthy. With the rise of the global pandemic, many have had our training take a back seat because of...
I am a huge fan of kettlebell flows. Not only are they incredibly challenging, but they also provide your training program with conditioning work that doesn't comprise of boring cardio equipment. Many have played with kettlebells, but have you have gone through 3-5 minute bouts of exercises using them before you rest?What is a Kettlebell FlowTwo or more exercises are...
Corrective exercise is all the fad right now. While lifting weights has its benefits, it still has its drawbacks like pain, stiffness, burnout, and fatigue. This is why you often see trainers these days focusing so much on "corrective work." You walk into our 30% capacity gyms nowadays and see it all over. People foam rolling their lives away in...
One of my VERY favorite leg exercises is the ASSISTED Bulgarian split squat. Many use a rack but I find the placement of rings set in front of you a much better position! Assisted Single-Leg Squat[youtube video=“uAUOAWz7fok” /]Now, go ahead and laugh, and call me weak, whatever you might want to do, but wait until you read this to understand...
Combination Exercises Are misguided, and when it comes to them, so many people try shoving square pegs into circles!They serve no purpose!Yes, we all love the infamous Lunge/Curl or Barbell Thruster or maybe even the deadlift to row. However, there is a problem with MOST combinations. They suck for strength purposes. Why⁉️ I sure hope you can deadlift more than...
The best part about quarantine is that I've become a better trainer. Like everyone else, I have been locked in my home and been making do with what I have around the house. For many, that can be just one dumbbell!If you are looking for a pure metabolic sweat session, pick that bad boy up and give this 4-6 rounds...
oo often, we get excited seeing some "new versions" of exercises or Instagram that seem to grab our attention. Before you know it, you are rolling around on the floor like a worm or juggling circus acts with dumbbells or maybe even find yourself injured. It doesn't have to be that way, and quite honestly, some of the more common...