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By Nafari Vanaski (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read
Ball Machine Drills To Improve All Aspects Of Your Game
Tennis players looking to improve their game often turn to hitting with other players. But that can have limited success if your hitting partner has limited consistence. Others turn to hitting walls, but it can be challenging to control the angle at which the ball comes at you, and you are limited in the pace you can use on a...
By Mekenzie Grabau (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read
How To Choose The Perfect College Cheer Program
Searching for the right college cheer program is hard. Not only do you have to think about academics, but you have to consider the athletic program as well. However, the good news is that it doesn't have to be a headache. Listed below are all of the important things to do and consider when looking for the right college cheer...
By Justin Huynh (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read
3 Exercises to Build Overhead Stability for Swimmers
Like many other overhead athletes, one common error in beginner swimmer weight programs includes overhead pressing motions thought to help improve strength in a sport-specific motion. However, I argue that this rationale is flawed, and there are safer and more effective ways to improve overhead stability in swimmers. Unfortunately, swim coaches don’t always have the budget to hire a certified...
By Charley Gould (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read
4 Unique Core Exercises to Improve Sprint Speed
From a functional anatomy standpoint, the core has two primary jobs: 1) to resist unwanted movement at the trunk in all three planes, and 2) to link the upper and lower halves to create and exert maximal force. In other words, the core isn't supposed to create movement; it's supposed to prevent it. Why does it matter? As it relates...
By Carrie Nagy Swain (Carrie as manager) for STACK - 11 min read
Jennie Finch-Daigle 5 Tips For Dealing With Setbacks
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jennie Finch-Daigle (@jfinch27) on Sep 30, 2020 at 8:01am PDT Athletes all over the world are ready to get back to sports as we once knew it. Jennie Finch arguably the most famous softball player in the world recently posted on her Instagram account how to deal with setbacks and staying...
By Joe Pepe (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 1 min read
At Home Core Challenge
We all need new at-home workouts during this pandemic. Building a strong core will help not only make you look better it will build you into a stronger and faster athlete for any sport you play. Use this workout three days a week with a day of rest in between to help you reshape your workouts. Exercises 1. Hand Back...
By Jimmy Pritchard (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read
Don't Let Your Injury Keep You From Working Out
Progression and RegressionFundamental human movement patterns are engrained in us all from the time we are born. Throughout our early years, we learn to roll, crawl, stand, squat, walk, and run on relatively similar timelines. Children are not told to “squat with their knees behind their toes” (terrible advice, by the way) or “refrain from picking anything up off the...
By Colin Peuse (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read
5 Things Parents Can Do to Help Their Student-Athlete Right Now
If you are a coach or trainer that works with high school athletes, you probably have parents asking you what they can do to help their student-athletes succeed. More often than not, they are looking for a sport-specific training program or a particular set of drills that will help their child improve in a certain area. Although this approach can...
By Corey Davis (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 2 min read
Ditch Your Running Shoes to Lift Better
If you're trying to move significant weight in the weight room, you need to kick off your running shoes before a big set. As an athlete, you're trying to put as much force into the ground as you can. That's how you move the weight, whether it's a deadlift, a squat, or a lunge. Running shoes slow that down. Why?...
By Charley Gould (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read
5 Unique Sled Exercises for Speed, Strength, and Power
The sled is a jack-of-all-trades for just about every physical quality under the sun. It can be used to train strength, speed, conditioning, power, and everything else, for that matter. Beyond just being versatile, however, sleds have a number of additional advantages over virtually every other exercise: They're eccentric-less, which means they cause hardly any soreness. This makes sled work...