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Worked on 395 assignments, created 335, named on 7 bylines for STACK.
By Nick Hoth (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read
Football Conditioning (Specific To The Game)
Looking back at my years of playing football, I remember the football season's excitement and the accompanying dread for the conditioning we would go through. As a former high school head football coach, I am sure my former players had both of those feelings. The dread of conditioning because I conditioned them the same way I was conditioned years before,...
By Cory Windle (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read
Going in Reverse to Sprint Faster
Could moving in reverse create a faster athlete? Typically sprinting at a high intensity with appropriate amounts of rest between each set of sprints is the best way to increase sprinting velocity. The body adapts to the stresses it is put under, so running at high speeds will increase the speed threshold. A few drills can be done at a...
By Carrie Nagy Swain (Carrie as manager) for STACK - 7 min read
How To Make An Epic Comeback This Season
Our latest blog breaks down 5 strategies to maintain your strength of mind during COVID-19 so you are poised for an epic comeback! We know times are tough right now, but there is a saying that we believe in - “Tough Times Don’t Last: Tough People Do!” We believe in you. We believe in your comeback. We will guide you...
By Detric Smith (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read
7 Methods Your Personal Trainer Uses to Build Core Strength Without Equipment
Did you know that all movement originates from your core?To say that a strong core is essential is an understatement. Yet, the legs, chest, and back tend to get all of the attention during conventional workouts. If you want to improve your overall performance, keep yourself safe, and get attention when the shirt comes off, you need to focus on...
By Mike Over (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 11 min read
Combination Exercises That Serve No Purpose
Combination Exercises Are misguided, and when it comes to them, so many people try shoving square pegs into circles!They serve no purpose!Yes, we all love the infamous Lunge/Curl or Barbell Thruster or maybe even the deadlift to row. However, there is a problem with MOST combinations. They suck for strength purposes. Why⁉️ I sure hope you can deadlift more than...
By Carrie Nagy Swain (Carrie as manager) for STACK - 4 min read
11 Different Extracurriculars To Help Your Athlete Grow
There are many activities kids can try, and participating in them may help foster skills that can boost athletic performance. Here are 11 different activities your athlete can try that will help them on and off the field. CodingLearning how to code at a young age can truly set up your child for a lifetime of success. Even if they...
By Kane Hanson (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read
How We Ruin Young Athletes Before They Get a Chance to Blossom
Youth Sports are a great way to introduce your child to several important aspects of life, such as teamwork, leadership, camaraderie, fitness, social skills, and so much more. But when it comes to playing their favorite sport, how much is too much?With so much talk of travel teams, 1-on-1 training sessions, and indoor training facilities, you might be under the...
By Richard Kompf (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read
3 Unconventional rotational power exercises for pitchers
3 unconventional rotational power exercises for pitchersFor my whole career as a strength coach working with pitchers to increase their velocity has taken up a pretty big piece of my time and thought process from internships into my paid career as a professional and even now as a business owner. The majority of my clientele has been baseball, and the...
By Mekenzie Grabau (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read
Building Stronger Flyers
As a coach, you know that every athlete on the mat is vital to the competition's teams' success. You want all of your athletes to have a strong base to thrive in their position. Flyers hold very instrumental roles on the team, and having strong flyers is a big step towards the team's success. For new flyers and even flyers...
By Jimmy Pritchard (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read
How the Force-Velocity Curve Relates to Sports Performance
Most strength and conditioning professionals are familiar with the physical representation of the inverse relationship between both force and velocity, otherwise known as the ‘force-velocity curve’. The charted area includes a y-axis representing force measured in newtons (N), as well as an x-axis representing velocity measured in meters per second (m/s). Movements such as a one-repetition max (1RM) back squat...