Carrie Nagy Swain

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Worked on 395 assignments, created 335, named on 7 bylines for STACK.

By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

3 Foods That Belong on Your Shopping List (and 3 That Don't)

Losing weight and building lean muscle doesn't have to be hard or painful. It's not about restriction and sacrifice. And it's not about starving yourself or spending hours in the gym each day. It's more about putting the right foods in your shopping cart, building a positive mindset, and having the correct information at your fingertips. These three things are...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

Are You Making This Gigantic Training Mistake?

Corrective exercise is all the fad right now. While lifting weights has its benefits, it still has its drawbacks like pain, stiffness, burnout, and fatigue. This is why you often see trainers these days focusing so much on "corrective work." You walk into our 30% capacity gyms nowadays and see it all over. People foam rolling their lives away in...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

At-Home Body Weight Hockey Workouts

In this article, I want to show you some of the most effective bodyweight-only dryland hockey training drills and workouts that you can do to start improving your hockey-specific speed, conditioning, and deliver power. You might be thinking that COVID-19 created an unpredictable training environment for the young hockey kids out there, but one thing I can tell you right...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

5 Lessons Coaches Can Learn From Teachers

Good teachers and good coaches are usually the same people. However, there has been an increasing trend in high school sports utilizing more community coaches than teachers/coaches because it is difficult for educators to find the time or space on their overflowing plates. Please do not misunderstand that there are plenty of awesome high school coaches who teach at a...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

The Missing Link in Your Agility Training

You will witness a massive array of agility and change of direction based exercises being heavily promoted left and right in the mainstream social media and information outlets. Many of these drills sound great on paper, which naturally grabs people's attention initially. But do the majority of these exercises really do any solid justice in increasing one's ability to become...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Sitting the New Disorder

Sitting is the new disease and disorder because it is detrimental to your health, alignment, and movement. People of all ages are stricken by this disorder, ignoring and neglecting its detrimental impact and ramifications on their lives. We know that physical activity is great for improving health. However, if you compare the amount of time you sit versus physical activity,...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Keep COVID Off of the Holiday Menu

This will be a holiday season unlike any other any of us have witnessed. The threat of COVID infection is rising as the weather cools, and it also happens to be flu season. Between these two viruses, many are questioning how they can stay safe traveling to see loved ones this year or if they should just scrap this year's...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

The EPOC Effect

What is EPOC, you might ask? Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. That's what EPOC stands for. What it is can be very important for those looking to lose a bit of weight, get in better shape, or both. It's the body trying to return to normal after you're done exercising. Ever go for a nice hard run? The body continues to...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 2 others for STACK - 9 min read

Increasing your Power Index for Strength & Conditioning

In the sporting world, the main reason for partaking in a strength and conditioning program is to provide a benefit to athletic performance. One of the critical features of a good strength and conditioning program will be a strong transferability to sports performance, which, hopefully, will be as high as possible. For power athletes in team sports such as football...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Is My Kid Doing Enough to Stay Competitive?

It is time we face it; youth sports is no longer the wholesome hometown opportunity for kids to get out and play that we once knew. Sure, there are elements of this that still exist, and if your son or daughter is playing for the right people, they make sure of it, but youth sports are more competitive than ever....

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