Carrie Nagy Swain

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Worked on 395 assignments, created 335, named on 7 bylines for STACK.

By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 11 min read

Kyrie Addresses Changing NBA Logo to Kobe Bryant

It's what we are all thinking. The NBA logo was created in 1969 by Alan Siegel, who also made the MLB logo. And in 1969, Jerry West, as the face of the NBA, made sense. But we are in 2021, and the NBA is nearly 75 percent played by black athletes. It is time for a change. The logo himself...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

Parents Guide to Nutritious Team Dinners

If you're a parent (or a coach) of a Middle School or High School sports team, you're probably due for a large team dinner at some point in your son or daughter's sports tenure. Often, the parents take turns hosting meals the night before (or the day of) the big game. To make these team dinners run as smoothly as...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

Prepping Your Athlete for a Spring Season

Spring is approaching, and parents and young athletes may be digging out last season's uniforms ready for preseason training. Shoes, helmets, and gloves are taken from the closet, dusted, and cleaned after a winter of disuse. Cries of, 'Mom, it doesn't fit me anymore,' may be heard around the suburbs. Parents reach into their wallets and buy new items so...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Myths About Nutrition For Muscle Gain

Young athletes, particularly males, at the middle and high school levels often seek answers for how to pack on serious size in the shortest amount of time humanly possible. While there may be various explanations for this, some more reasonable than others, these young individuals are often misinformed about what a few extra pounds of muscle does to one's athletic...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

Why Is Protein Important For Youth Athletes?

What is protein, and why is it so important? Protein is one of the five food groups, and it is responsible for building muscle when paired with proper exercise. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Some amino acids are made in the body, while others can only be found in their food. Think of protein as a puzzle and—amino...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

How To Setup A Track & Field Training Schedule

With the ever-growing abundance of information available on methods for training, strength and conditioning, and speed/power development, it is essential that coaches and athletes can organize these methods into a coherent and effective training plan. For many who first attempt organized training, there is a tendency to try to do too much at once. To "make sure they are not...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

Healthy Snack For Youth Athletes

Nutrition is a crucial component for any athlete when attempting to optimize performance. Ensuring proper hydration, caloric balance, and nutrient timing may drastically affect day-to-day performances. Additionally, some young athletes exhibit quite picky tastes when it comes to nutrition. Alternatively, snacking can provide instances where the right nutrition at the right time is delivered. Understand Human Energy Needs and Macronutrient...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

The Importance Of Training Age

Most people associate the word 'age' with a number that refers to one's biological maturity or length of time on Earth. As our age increases, so too do our experiences in life and hopefully our wisdom along with it. While this is an elementary number to determine, another type of age exists that's a bit more complex. The age I'm...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

To Grind or to GAS?

Odds are if you asked 9/10 high school coaches or athletes, "what is the GAS?" you'd get a funny face back and quip about flatulence. Jokes aside, understanding the GAS (general adaptation syndrome) might be the most important nugget of training wisdom you apply this year. The idea of the GAS flies counter to the sports performance marketing machine. The...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

How Martial Arts Enhances Youth Athletes Sports Performance

Sports can teach kids several great qualities. And, the same goes for martial arts; it is not just about kicking and punching. It hones in on a deeper sense of self; to discover physical, mental, and spiritual attributes and abilities. These abilities help kids grow positively and have a significant cross-over into other sports and life. Many great athletes like...

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