Tina Eady

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Worked on 22 assignments, created 0, named on 22 bylines for The Corsair.

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Effects of gangster rap versus hip-hop

Black History Month came to an end at Santa Monica College, as the Black Collegian students hosted Benjamin Bowser, who gave a lecture entitled, "Gangsta Rap vs. Hip-Hop: The Immense and Lasting Impact on American Society," last Monday. Bowser spoke to a room full of students about his latest book, "Gangster Rap And Its Social Costs: Exploiting Hip-Hop and Using...

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Contraception debate divides Obamacare and religion

There is an old English proverb that says, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," meaning that prevention is better than a cure. However, Americans only use half of the preventive services recommended, and the primary reason is cost, according to the Department of Health & Human Services. The Affordable Care Act, which provides preventive health care...