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By Ryan Patrick + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read
The Athlete's Guide to Conquer Quarantines
The effects of COVID and the pandemic were tough on athletes. They suffered shortened seasons, quarantines, and reduced social interaction. The decrease in practice, games, and extracurricular training all lead to detraining. Detraining itself is inconsequential unless an athlete plans to resume activity. The shortened pre-seasons, inability to physically prepare, and reduced training leave athletes unprepared. Young athletes are resilient...
Speed is king. If you want to ascend the ranks of sport, one thing is a given: You must be faster. Higher levels of sports equal faster game play. Turning a corner in the NFL with a lineman that runs a sub 5-second 40-yard dash is as likely as escaping Alcatraz. Many athletes build their off-season training programs around strength,...
If you train athletes, then you know Ball is Life. That's to say playing the sport is frequently prioritized over preparing to play the sport. Physical preparation increases performance, reduces potential injury and builds resiliency. But getting buy-in from young athletes is challenging. The same young athletes are in greater need of general physical preparation now, more than ever. Johnny...
6 Upper-Body Exercises to Enhance Speed Development
Running as a sport is different than running in a sport. It’s the difference of unhindered straightaway running compared to multiple directional changes while attacking or defending. It follows that athletes need more movement options than pure runners. Coaches intuitively understand this need, but we often miss the mark with regard to the upper body’s contribution to multi-directional speed. The...