Reyna Mares

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Worked on 4 assignments, created 0, named on 4 bylines for The Corsair.

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 6 min read

Come together with music festivals

Photo credit: Rachel Porter

With winter around the corner, social media is already buzzing with countless announcements of spring and summer music festivals to come in 2014. Music festivals have become so popular in the last century that what once was a counterculture movement, music festivals are now evolved into more mainstream, inclusive events. A study by Nature Reviews Neuroscience shows that listening to...

By + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

The Clothesline Project: domestic violence awareness

"Silence hides the violence," "You’re weak when you use force," "No more behind the curtains bullshit." These are only a few of the powerful messages written on T-shirts that were put on display at Santa Monica College on Oct. 29. In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, SMC’s Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance Club presented the Clothesline Project to their fellow...

By + 3 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Dance history revives at SMC

Amid the sea of black leotards and ballet buns sits 73-year old professional dancer and dance historian, Gary Bates. The dance department at Santa Monica College invited Bates to speak about the history of Los Angeles Modern and Contemporary Dance on Sept. 17 and to initiate SMC's Master of Dance lecture series. Bates began his lecture by reading out the...

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

The Annual Broad Fest attracts with art and entertainment

Despite last week's high temperatures, Saturday's slightly overcast, breezy weather was the perfect setting for the Second Annual Broad Fest at Santa Monica College's Performing Arts Center. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Broad Stage invited festival attendees to take part in various family-friendly activities, watch free performances, and try different food vendors. According to Eric Bloom, Broad Stage...