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By Pat Ivey + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read
Master The Skill Of Focus
Focus is the goal of thinking right, to focus on every play and then refocus on the next. Focus leads to great performance, with an athlete being totally in the present and totally in the moment (hence, time-orientation). It turns out Focus is just a thought, which means it's controllable, and it also means you have a choice to take...
Strength and conditioning, or more generally physical preparation, has been around since the dawn of man. Since that time, humans have searched for a leg up on the competition, whether it be the wooly mammoth for the village's survival or an opponent in the first Olympics. Although perhaps unknowingly, and certainly without fancy terms like the 'Physical Stress Theory,' man...
Athletes Learn How To Concentrate To Perform Better
Concentration is about finding the right information and staying focused on it. Fun Brain FactBefore getting into the nitty-gritty of concentration – a little fun fact for you: your brain is 80% water, and as little as a 2% loss of fluids has a negative effect on your ability to concentrate. As you’re preparing to improve your concentration or any...