Nathan Berookhim

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Worked on 2 assignments, created 0, named on 2 bylines for The Corsair.

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

TED Talks at SMC

Photo credit: Jose Lopez

"TED Talks," known for bringing innovative tech-world thinkers forward to discuss relevant issues, is coming to Santa Monica College in the form of TEDxSMC, a new club that ventures to produce a full TED talk. TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, initially began as a conference meant for people in the three respective fields to amalgamate. The project...

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

'FOMO,' real problem or not?

After her Monday classes, Briana Marchencke, a psychology major at Santa Monica College, was on her way to enjoy some cold beverages on the beach with three of her friends. Despite having daily obligations, she consistently goes out. She was very distressed at the thought of missing out when, a few weeks prior, her mother told her she could not...