Mike Snowden is an Athletic Performance Coach who owns Human Performance Solutions LLC, a performance training and coaching education company in Frederick, MD
Worked on 3 assignments, created 0, named on 3 bylines for STACK.
By Mike Snowden + 1 other for STACK - 3 min read
Basketball Medicine Ball Tempo Training
Enhancing overall fitness and an athlete's general work capacity should be a year-round goal of any athlete. One way for an athlete to build up this ability to do work or play longer is by performing low intensity medicine ball tempo exercises paired with an athletic movement and followed by a sport skill. Below we have laid out a sample...
5 Exercises Every High School Athlete Should Be Doing Year Round
If you're a team sport athlete looking to increase your strength, power, and speed today, there are many exercises, programs, and formulas to choose from. It is often overlooked that many of these options likely have more similarities than differences in how you should be training. Here we've laid out 5 exercises that you can count on year-round no matter...
Multiple components must align to become an elite basketball player. One of the hardest skills in basketball occurs after each missed shot. Successful players such as Dennis Rodman and Russell Westbrook were able to separate themselves from scoring with rebounding. Being a great rebounder is challenging and takes sound technique on the box out, toughness, strength, and endurance to endure...