Mike Voight

Professor who teaches graduate courses in leadership and sport psychology. Consults with top Division I teams, Olympians & Pro's. Author of 7 books. mass.

Worked on 14 assignments, created 0, named on 14 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

5 Ways To Be A Leader

"Most leaders already know what to do. They have read the same books and listened to the same gurus giving the same speeches. Hence, our core conclusion from this research: For most leaders, the great challenge is not understanding the practice of leadership: It is practicing their understanding of leadership."- "Leadership is a Contact Sport," M. Goldsmith & H. MorganSo...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

The Power of Visualization

As we exercise the mind, it grows stronger. The more the player pictures success, the more energy he or she creates to achieve it."—Bill Beswick, Mental Skills Trainer (2001, p. 78-79)Athletes have been told by coaches to practice imagery to improve their game. Few are taught HOW to practice imagery and how it really helps their games. This article will...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 12 min read

5 Steps to Develop Influential Peer Leaders On your Teams

"The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." —Herbert SpencerIf you appreciate having captains on your teams and wish there was more you can do for them and the team, read on for the 5 Steps to developing peer leaders of impact on your teams. The Leadership Fix Game Plan (L. F. G. P.) 's ultimate vision is...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

Tough Talk & Thoughts Over Tough Times

"Tough times never last. But tough people do." Robert Shuller, Jr. In these crazy, difficult times, we have all been challenged to be mentally tougher. Every aspect of our life has been in turmoil, even school and our sports opportunities. We can take some valuable "lessons learned" from this adversity. One takeaway is that our self-talk and our thoughts matter....

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