I am a NASM Master Trainer(CPT, CES, PES, GPT, FNS, SCS) and I own Over-Achieve Fitness in Chambersburg. Chambersburg, PA
Worked on 23 assignments, created 0, named on 23 bylines for STACK.
By Mike Over + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read
The One Strength Exercise Every Runner Should Try
Runners like to run. That's pretty obvious, and that love of running is what leads some runners to make it their only form of exercise. Honestly, this is one reason running injuries are so common. If you love to run, more often than not you have battled a nagging injury in the past year. Between 65-80% of the running population...
3 Exercises That Can Help You Squat Without Knee Pain
"Squats are the devil." “They hurt my knees.” “I can’t do lunges or squats.” “My knees can’t take squats or jumping.” As strength coaches and fitness professionals, these phrases have become incredibly common. The exercise's reputation has gotten notoriously worse over the years, and I heart it on a weekly basis from the new members and athletes who come into...
The Real Reason You Always Seem To Gain Weight Over The Holidays
The average American gains between 6-8 pounds during the holiday season. That fact seems to be re-stated on every fitness magazine and article you see between Thanksgiving and New Years. While everyone assumes this weight gain is due to too many holiday cookies and sweets, there's a sneaky culprit that may actually be the bigger issue. Rest assured, the food...