Jason Kelly

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Worked on 36 assignments, created 0, named on 36 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

The Avocado Milkshake

The avocado is the greatest fruit that has ever fallen from the tree and is an essential fruit to put into your diet. From living in Brazil, I have learned that avocado is not just guacamole. You can blend it into a milkshake! But, for 90% of the population who may not like raw avocado, you will love the milkshake....

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Recovery-Essential to Maximize Training and Performance

Recovery is an essential factor when it comes to training and performance. How you do it is the difference between maximal or average strength development. However, most often, recovery is brushed-off and ignored. You deserve recognition and praise for training hard. On the contrary, don’t destroy all your hard work by overtraining. Although strength training is important to develop, it...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 11 min read

Breath, Stabilize, Move for Ultimate Strength and Power

Breathing is an essential forgotten factor when it comes to strength, flexibility, speed, power, and even well-being. It is rarely taught and happens to be an essential aspect when it comes to health, strength, and fitness programs as well as sports today. How you breathe is the limiting factor that separates an athlete from superiority and evolving into a champion....

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By + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

Slow Aging Down With Slow Eccentric Training (SET)

An aging and sedentary body is similar to that of Superman and kryptonite. It slows him down, makes him weak and vulnerable to disease, causing a decline in his superhuman powers. Still, in our case, it is our physiology. Physical activity and exercise are the best-undisputed textbook examples that slow and prevent aging and sedentary detriments and many chronic diseases,...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 38 min read

Develop Your Speed Potential

Watch This!Carlin Isles. Olympic Dream[youtube video= "gA5bwqVN5LM"/]Olympic dreams, the NFL, professional sprinting, Carlin walked away from all of them for the love of Rugby. Coincidently, there is one thing that Carlin has that all sports want, his speed. It was freshman year in college when the football and strength coach challenged Carlin to run the 40-yard dash. It was also...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 8 min read

Returning from the Pandemic Sideline with Eccentric Isometric Training

Everyone is eager to return to the gym and the playing field to train. However, we need to be smart and perceptive about it. Training is a part of our life, like eating breakfast every morning, not just something we do. Therefore, at the same time we must be safe and discover the best methods and techniques that provide the...

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