Jason Kelly

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Worked on 36 assignments, created 0, named on 36 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

How to Run Sprint Intervals

Sprints are great for the athletic and general populations. They are an incredible expression of speed and power. They also definitely have a more significant payoff than jogging when it comes to getting in shape, enhancing your health, boosting your strength, developing fast-twitch muscle fibers, shredding fat, and creating lean muscle mass. Sprinting Advantages Slows down aging and cognitive declineImproves...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

How to Stick with Your New Year's Resolutions

It's a new year and the same old resolutions list, which never stick or get accomplished. Well, let's not fall into the same old trap. Don't start the beginning of the year being negative. That is how failure ensues. Alas! Let 2021 be the year to accomplish your first resolution: choose something new. Start the year off on a positive...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

8 Great Tips to Improve Strength, Speed and Power

Have you hit a strength plateau, or are you getting slow results? Do you want to develop a strength program that maximizes your potential? These tips here will make you stronger and more explosive, taking your training and game to a superior level.1: Slow Eccentric Maximizes StrengthWhen you do a slow eccentric movement, it develops force production and absorption mechanisms....

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Importance of Electrolytes and Balance

Electrolytes regulate the cardiovascular, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems. The combination and balance of electrolytes, as well as other minerals, are what produce their effectiveness. And, when one is deficient or over-consumed, it harms the body. Electrolytes and minerals all work independently but need to function interdependently to be effective for the body. We find this primarily between the pairs of...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 3 min read

Chicken Vegetable Soup

Soups are an excellent way to get your vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants because usually they are loaded with vegetables. Especially at this time, during the fall and winter season, they can ramp-up your immune system to prevent colds and flu. This homemade chicken vegetable soup makes a perfect well-rounded meal because of the addition of protein. Furthermore, it is a...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

To Hype Or Not To Hype

Getting all fired up really depends on your personality and your sport. Emotions play a critical role when training or playing in the field. Football players get hyped up much differently than golfers and golfers much differently than sprinters etc. These sports represent, as well as others, different ends of the spectrum. For example: Football players tend to scream and...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Balancing Sports and School

For a high school or college athlete, practice, games, and studying can be a real challenge. Oh, and don't forget to include socializing and dating. Truthfully, more time goes toward perfecting sport rather than studying. That's ok. There is nothing wrong with perfecting your sports skills. In fact, research shows that those who play sports have enhanced cognitive development because...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

Treadmill Workouts

Improve Pace Speed and EnduranceStart with a 5-minute warm-up before the session.3 min run a fast pace3 min run pace2 min run a fast pace2 min run pace1 min run a fast pace1 min run pace.2 min run a fast pace2 min run pace3 min run fast pace3 min run paceFinish with a 5-minute cooldown. The fast pace means to...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

Importance of Nutrition and Aging

Being healthy delays the aging decline. But, eventually, the decline happens. Exercise is truly the number one factor to keep you young and full of vitality. A body that stays in motion dramatically decreases the process of aging and disease, and the same is true for nutrition. Getting older does not have to be difficult or unhealthy; it just requires...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Sitting the New Disorder

Sitting is the new disease and disorder because it is detrimental to your health, alignment, and movement. People of all ages are stricken by this disorder, ignoring and neglecting its detrimental impact and ramifications on their lives. We know that physical activity is great for improving health. However, if you compare the amount of time you sit versus physical activity,...

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