Erica Suter is a strength and conditioning coach in Baltimore, MD, and works with youth female athletes.
Worked on 35 assignments, created 0, named on 35 bylines for STACK.
By Erica Suter + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read
How To Set Up Online Training
With the world flipping upside down in the past year - virtual school, virtual work, virtual meet-ups with friends, and virtual training - many have had to adapt swiftly to the times. The old model is dying fast in all facets of life. People are becoming more attracted to the convenience and flexibility that the virtual world provides. In the...
Solving the ACL Epidemic in Female Soccer Players is More Than Training
What if I told you ACL injury is more than wide hips?What if I told you it is more than weak glute muscles?What if I told you it is more than poor landing mechanics?The physical side of ACL injury reduction is important, and it should be something coaches, and players understand, as well as implement year-round with a comprehensive resistance...
What Coaches and Parents Need To Know About Training the Pre-Adolescent Female Athlete
Height is shooting up faster than you can say "growth spurt."Hip structures are widening. Thighs and legs are lengthening. Coordination feels funky and not as smooth as it once was. On top of all of this, emotions are boiling, and the mood is in constant oscillation. Wait a minute. Fatigue is creeping in too. The life of a pre-adolescent girl...
Sports were canceled, and the world has flipped upside down. Zoom trainings on a glowing screen have been replaced practices on a lush grass field. Skills training phone apps have replaced creative, technical work within a youth team. Playing one versus ones against family in the front yard has replaced battles against teammates in the penalty box. Team virtual HIIT...
What Soccer Players Need For Physical and Mental Programming During COVID-19
You wake up disoriented. You wonder what you should do. You do not know where to begin. Should it be stillness? Should it be schoolwork? Should it be fitness training? As your mind wonders, you decide to scroll your Instagram feed so you can distract your disarray of thoughts. However, it adds to the chaos even more. You see a...
Team sports are exciting when athletes are explosive with their speed and agility. These are the moments that make or break competitions, that birth the richness in sports, and that make the audience drop their jaws in awe. These are the moments that makes sports what they are - dynamic, creative, and intense. In lacrosse, nothing is more entertaining than...
This much I know: young athletes thrive off fun. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching a kid leave a training session with a beaming smile before exclaiming to their mom and dad in the parking lot, "That was so fun! I want to do it again!" This exuberance is what makes coaching so fulfilling and meaningful. It's a privilege...
"What is the answer to speed development?". Soccer players, soccer parents and soccer coaches, alike, often ponder this question. In one corner, you have the coach who says running nothing but sprints is the answer. In another, a coach who says strength is the real key. Then there's the parent who believes shuffling feet through a speed ladder is in...
5 Ways Young Athletes Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Sports are filled with a tremendous amount of physical duress. From getting kicked to being knocked down, scraping knees to bruising bones, turf burn to torn ligaments. The physical side of youth sports is rigorous, and we must prepare for it with fervor. We need to do all we can to help them rise above those physical battles, be it...
Why In-Season Strength Training Is Essential for Soccer Players
"In-season training is not necessary," one youth soccer coach once uttered to me. "My kid is too busy to make time for in-season strength training," one parent has told me, while another added, "With school and all of these activities, it is hard to get in a workout". These comments are frustrating to say the least. Before I reply to...