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Worked on 271 assignments, created 117, named on 31 bylines for The Corsair.
By James Powel (David as managing editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read
Earthquakes rattle the SMC community
In the last month the ground beneath our feet has been stirring. Students were awakened from their rare slumber and frightened pets scrambled across the southland. During the month of March, a total of four earthquakes have occurred in California. Magnitudes ranging from 3.6 magnitude earthquake on March 29 to the 6.8 magnitude in Ferndale on March 10 have shook...
By Alci Rengifo (David as managing editor) + 4 others for The Corsair - 6 min read
Master of fright: SMC professor helps artists overcome stage fright
Renaissance men are talented in various fields. For Michael Goode, one of his many specialties involves helping aspiring artists or established names to overcome that all-consuming demon known as stage fright. Goode is an author, musician, actor, voice-over specialist, and is currently a trumpet teacher at Santa Monica College's Performing Arts Campus. Growing up, Goode realized early on that his...
By Alci Rengifo (David as managing editor) + 2 others for The Corsair - 5 min read
Alberta Keys: dancing queen
She left her head and her heart on the dance floor. Alberta Keys grew up in a rough landscape where opportunities seemed scarce and the violent, red-tinged feel of a school fight was common. But like a diamond waiting to be discovered, Keys landed at Santa Monica College in 2008 and found her home in the dance department. "I came...
By Sarit Kashanian (David as managing editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read
Campus radio station KCRW extends its reach with new radio acquisitions
In a recent deal that cost $1.3 million, Santa Monica College affiliated radio station 89.9 FM KCRW has purchased a Santa Barbara station, which will switch frequencies with the University of Southern California's station. KCRW purchased Santa Barbara radio station 97.3 FM KDB and will exchange frequencies with USC's 88.78 FM KQSC. Currently known for its eclectic mix of music...
By Alci Rengifo (David as managing editor) + 2 others for The Corsair - 4 min read
SMC film project goes to Cannes
The International Cannes Film Festival in France, the world's most famous gathering of the cinema world, will be welcoming a short film written and directed by former Santa Monica College student Dustin Brown and produced by SMC's Film 33 production course. Cannes features both major premieres by famous directors such as Ridley Scott and Wong Kar Wai as well as...
By Eva Malin Lord (David as managing editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read
Joke's on you: Diaries of SMC students on April 1
I remember smiling over the pieces of sweet licorice I had filled with spicy pepper seeds as I tricked a family friend over for a visit into eating something he would soon regret. I asked if he wanted some and without hesitation, he grabbed the candy and ate it. Never have I ever seen anyone so red in the face,...
By Rachel Gianuario (David as managing editor) + 4 others for The Corsair - 6 min read
Nina Cremer: opera singer finds her voice
She sat quietly, lightly strumming her fingers on her knee to a silent melody, patiently awaiting her performance, gazing adoringly at a student playing guitar. And then Professor Parnell called her name. It was her time. She rose gracefully out of her seat and approached the classroom’s center stage in an elegant blue and black suit. Looking up at her...
By Patrick Shanley (David as managing editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 4 min read
Melodies that escaped the Nazis
Music has the unique power to evoke deep emotions and can inspire in ways that no other art form is quite capable of. As such, great works are to be cherished and their composers should be lofted to stations of great admiration. Sadly, in 1930's Nazi Germany, the opposite ideal was being cultivated. Many great Jewish-German composers of the time...
By David Yapkowitz (David as managing editor) + 2 others for The Corsair - 4 min read
Imani Holloway: A silver lining
Growing pains. Every sports team encounters them, but for Imani Holloway and the Santa Monica College women's basketball team, the past two seasons have been filled with them. Holloway was the lone sophomore on a team full of freshmen this season, one year removed from another team comprised mostly of fresh out of high school recruits. The Lady Corsairs struggled...
By Jasmin Huynh (David as managing editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 5 min read
Fat acceptance movement is lacking
The advocacy of various beauty images and the fight against size discrimination is an honorable cause, but not very effective if it does not acknowledge that obesity is ultimately a health hazard. Obesity has been around for decades, just as discrimination based on size. In 1969, Bill Fabrey in New York had a bellyful of the prejudices and unjust treatments...