Daniela Barhanna

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Worked on 254 assignments, created 5, named on 21 bylines for The Daily Sundial (129), The Corsair (125).

By (Daniela as copy editor) + 5 others for The Corsair - 8 min read

Career Day: Working media professionals discuss Journalism as a "cool career"

The day started fast on Thursday morning, inside the spacious walls of room 172 in The Letters and Sciences Building, for the "Cool Careers Speakers Forum," which was hosted by Journalism Professor Saul Rubin and moderated by Career Services Department representative Cristina Garcia. Students were seated, papers were passed out, introductions were made, and the proceedings began. The panelists included,...

By (Daniela as copy editor) + 5 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Meet the Ecosexual Club: establishing a relationship with Mother Nature

A group of students—a dozen or so sat around in a loose circle on the lawn under the bell tower. None of which were pulling out the grass from underneath them like a child might, a common habit under similar circumstances. “Would I treat my boyfriend or girlfriend how I'm treating nature? We want to have that question in mind,”...

By (Daniela as copy editor) + 4 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

SMC Presidential Candidate Tim McGrath

Tim McGrath was the first SMC presidential candidate to convey to an audience reasons why he should take over the role as Superintendent/President at noon on Thursday at the Main Stage. While the only college vice president of the group, McGrath brought the same amount of experience, if not more, to the table as the other candidates. He describes himself...

By (Daniela as copy editor) + 5 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Protest in solidarity: The half-dozen student march hits the quad

At 10:30 a.m. yesterday, seven activists participating in the Million Student March, a nationally organized protest for free college, gathered on the thoroughfare of the Main Campus quad. They came wearing shirts advocating for a $15 an hour minimum wage, carrying signs demanding debt relief for college students and attempted to drum up interest with chants like, “Public space for...

By (Daniela as photographer) + 4 others for The Corsair - 8 min read

America, Land of the Scared: an international student's point of view on gun violence in the U.S.

Photo credit: Daniela Barhanna

The United States is without a doubt one of the greatest nations in the world, but one of the worst when it comes to gun violence. As an international student in the U. S., growing up in a European country, I could never in a million years imagine having a fear of witnessing a gunman whilst present at school, the...