Carrie Nagy Swain

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Worked on 395 assignments, created 335, named on 7 bylines for STACK.

By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

The Best Training Tip For Athletes Of All Ages: SLEEP

Forget hiring private trainers, mental coaches, and buying fancy hi-tech training equipment. There is an evidence-based scientific research that one simple thing can improve an athlete’s performance above all else, and it’s free and easy. It’s called SLEEP. In 2003 Harvard and Penn medical schools studied four groups of people for two weeks. They controlled each group’s amount of sleep:...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

No Time? Try High Intensity Interval Training

How often do you use the excuse, “I just don’t have enough time” in regards to your workout? Trust me, most of us are guilty of it. Whether it be errands around the house, extra work from the office, or scrolling through social media, we all find reasons to skip out on the gym. This is especially true when it...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 3 min read

10 Reasons To Try Beach Volleyball

Want your kids to learn independence, responsibility and self reliance? Then it’s time to sign them up for beach volleyball. Not to mention the added benefit that it’s somewhat Covid safe; outdoors and zero contact. Unlike any other, this sport puts the kids in the drivers seat instead of the coaches and parents. That’s right, kids are in control of...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

How Much Or How Little Should I Be Pushing My Youth Athlete?

Parents are always wondering how hard they should push their kid. We all know that an intrinsically motivated athlete is the best kind, duh. How many teenagers do you know want to get off their phones and work on their jump shot after a long day of school and practice? I have three kids, who have all competed at high...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 3 min read

Staying Accountable to your Fitness Goals While Working from Home

“It’s easy for you.”“You are naturally fit.”“You don’t have to work as hard as I Do.”Who else has heard these comments from their peers?I know I have, and I wanted to state that these are completely and entirely false assumptions that others have projected onto me. Nothing comes easy, not even working out. It takes discipline, drives, commitment, and determination...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 4 min read

How to Prepare for a Virtual Race

As we all navigate the pandemic, athletes have also had to adjust and manage their goals differently. If you had plans to run a 5K or a marathon this year, the chances are that it was either canceled or altered in some way. For runners, there’s no doubt that 2020 will go down as the year of the virtual race....

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 22 min read

The Swing Set Suspension Workout

[youtube video="8GxxpqMtBY" /] Many of us are trying to figure out how we stay in shape while gyms are closed, and we must keep up our “social distancing”. There are a few good options out there, but one that you should seriously consider involves your local swing set. While I was a late adopter, suspension training can be serious, effective,...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 9 min read

Teaching The Balance Between Sports And School

It's been over two decades since I was a student-athlete, but in that time, I have been a parent, a full-time worker, a coach, and continue to be an active athlete myself. Today I worked a full shift, raced home to fine-tuned my practice plan, zipped off to my training session, and then topped off the night with a couple...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Balancing Sports and School

For a high school or college athlete, practice, games, and studying can be a real challenge. Oh, and don't forget to include socializing and dating. Truthfully, more time goes toward perfecting sport rather than studying. That's ok. There is nothing wrong with perfecting your sports skills. In fact, research shows that those who play sports have enhanced cognitive development because...

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By (Carrie as manager) + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

Volley Games

As summer sports camp season comes to a close, it's time to sit back and reflect on the camps we've run. How did the players benefit from the camp? Did they learn all the necessary skills for your sport? Did they have fun? Were they challenged? And most importantly, will they be returning next year?All these questions and more are...

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