Carol Mack

Carol Mack is owner of CLE Sports PT & Performance. She is Vice Chair of Educational Programming for the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy. Cleveland, OH

Worked on 3 assignments, created 0, named on 3 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

Staying Motivated in Uncertain Times

Typically, when I write an article, I start by describing why something could be a problem (dehydration, decreased hip strength, burnout, etc.). This article is different, it's pretty obvious what our current problem is. To be honest, it makes all the other issues I've written about seem pretty minuscule. We are now on what feels like week 100 of this...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Is Your Running Cadence Slowing You Down?

If you’re a runner, odds are high that your hobby has caused physical pain. Research varies, but it appears that roughly half of all recreational runners sustain at least one injury per year. Of those, injuries at the knee are most prevalent. This is believed to be caused by excess load going through the leg as it contacts the ground....

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By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

The Equation To Find Your Training 'Sweet Spot'

While watching a Cleveland Cavaliers' game the other night, I heard the commentators explain that Larry Nance Jr was resting due to “load management.”I laughed at how popular this buzzword has become. Managing training load is something that good strength and conditioning coaches, Athletic Trainers, and Physical Therapists have been doing for years. Recent research and high-profile storylines have made...

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