Brandon Holder

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Worked on 16 assignments, created 0, named on 16 bylines for STACK.

By + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

The Landmine: An Athletes Best Friend

Utilizing landmine lifts for youth athletes can be an absolute game-changer. Working with younger athletes, ages 12-16, can be difficult. Youth athletes are unique and require a different approach to develop an appropriate strength training program. You cannot just train them like smaller adults or college athletes. Younger athletes are so much fun to work with though, because they want...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

Top 10 Acceleration Drills

Speed is one of the most sought out athletic qualities. A play can be broken down into milliseconds' actions, and while several other factors go into what makes a successful athlete on the field, such as tactical and technical preparation, perceptional awareness, and agility. The first step is brought up a lot, and for a good reason. The ability to...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 13 min read

A Six-Step Hinge Progression for Youth Athletes

Teaching youth athletes proper strength training movements can be extremely difficult at times. Regardless of an athlete, many young people are still developing basic motor controls and coordination to perform any exercises, let alone a skillfully balanced lift with a load. This applies even more to achieving a hinge based movement. Seemingly one of the most challenging activities to teach...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

Sled Training For Everyone

There doesn't seem to be a piece of exercise equipment that is as versatile and beneficial for various goals and jobs as a sled. As coaches, we often speak about picking the right tool for the right job. The sled is similar to a swiss army knife and can be used for several different positions and be appropriate and the...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Why Sled Training Makes Sense For Everyone

There doesn't seem to be a piece of exercise equipment that is as versatile and beneficial for so many various goals and jobs as a sled. A sled is a tool that can be used for several different jobs and be appropriate and the most effective option for all of them. A sled can be used with an individual of...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 7 min read

Dear Parents: What a Performance Coach Wants to Tell You About Your Child's Training

Dear Parents,You're my teammate. I believe you and I both play a pivotal role in helping your kid develop a positive relationship with training and all the wonderful physical, mental, social and emotional benefits that come with it. I believe we both want their development as a young adult to come first, and their development as an athlete to come...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 6 min read

A 10-Minute Foot and Ankle Prep Series To Power Better Performance

The foot-and-ankle complex is perhaps the most overlooked region in sports. Not only are these two areas that tend to get frequently injured, but they're also absolutely critical to elite performance. Yet as the breakdown of these structures occurs more and more frequently, athletes have responded not by addressing the weaknesses at their source, but instead strapping on ankle braces,...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 10 min read

The 'Big Lifts' Are Extra Tough For Tall People. Here's How They Should Tackle Them

Weight training is not one size fits all. Certainly not all individuals are built or move the same. This world was not created for people who are above-average (or well above-average) height, and this extends to the weight room. The big three barbell lifts—the Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift—cater more to shorter people than tall people. It's just basic biomechanics....

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By + 1 other for STACK - 5 min read

What is the 'Zercher' Position? The Unique Training Tweak That Makes You Stronger

Possibly the most underutilized position in strength and conditioning today? For my money, I'm going with the Zercher position. Not necessarily an exercise in and of itself, the Zercher position is a specific barbell placement that sees the bar placed in front of your body in the crooks of your elbows. It looks like this: A huge number of movements...

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By + 1 other for STACK - 2 min read

The 22 Best Sled Exercises

A sled can help just about anyone get in better shape. Sled exercises are easy to teach and offer an appropriate learning curve for individuals of all ages and skill levels. A sled can help you become better conditioned, stronger, faster and more resistant to injury and is capable of targeting just about every major muscle group. A sled is...

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