Alci Rengifo

Award-winning writer as well as film school graduate with a wide variety of interests ranging from the arts to current events. Santa Monica, California

Worked on 592 assignments, created 246, named on 221 bylines for The Corsair.

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 2 min read

SMC Wins Even in the Offseason

Coming off their first championship in 35 years, Santa Monica College men's head volleyball coach John Mayer was named Western State Conference Coach of the Year and sophomore outside hitter Luis Palos was named conference most valuable player. Palos averaged about 11 points a game, and doing his job of digging or blocking effectively as well. “He dominates in the...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

Letter from the Editor: training grounds

Our 12th issue of the semester is being released into your hallways and kiosks as campus political life takes on another strange turn. ICC Vice Chair Courtney King has written a letter to the editor in which she chronicles her time on the A. S. board of directors and the apparent, sour end to her tenure there. Until information is...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Final A.S. meeting for semester lasts record five hours for board

Lasting five hours and eight minutes, the Associated Students board met for their final meeting of the semester and school year to approve and deny petitions for funding for clubs, events, and their own activities. The meeting proved so long that during an hour long period, AS Director of Budget Management Hasun Khan took over chair duties from his brother,...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

SMC Interaction Design BA program slated for spring 2016 after clearing final state approvals

Santa Monica College has now officially gained final approval for a Bachelor’s Degree pilot program in Interaction Design, or User Experience Design. The program’s approval comes after it faced the possibility of not coming into fruition because of overlap between the proposed curriculum and that of Graphic Design curricula at California State Universities Long Beach, San Luis Obispo, and Pomona....

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 8 min read

Local burger joint Shaka Shack shakes up food scene

Four short blocks south of the Santa Monica College main campus, a culinary institution is gaining its sea legs. Shaka Shack has been open for only two and a half years and has managed to gain a following strong enough to garner a four and a half star rating on Yelp and a growing number of glowing reviews from publications....

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 8 min read

Letter to the Editor: Banned from the Tea Party

This letter has been long in coming, yet I am nervous even writing it that my position will be taken from me and I will be stripped of any honors. I am Courtney King. The Inter Club Council Vice Chair, Former SMC presidential candidate and Crafting Club president. It is the responsibility of me and two other directors to run...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Baltimore Mom, Zoot Suit Mom: The Persistence Of Stereotypes

The video of the Baltimore youth whose mother dragged him out of a protest against police brutality has, as they say, gone viral. And within hours of the video hitting the airwaves, my Media 10 students were emailing me. They’d seen this story before – more than 70 years ago. For if you scroll through the Friday, June 11, 1943...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 2 min read

Before the show: images of Global Motion in rehearsal

On Friday and Sunday SMC's Dance Department once again staged its grand romp of global dances and international melodies known as Global Motion. But days before the performance, Corsair photographer Daniel Boyer was present at the rehearsals. His images capture the grace, beauty and athletic precision of the SMC dance department's performers and choreographers. Boyer was given the rare opportunity...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Mad Max offers straightforward, non-stop action thrill ride

From the very first scene, "Mad Max: Fury Road" staples you to the wall and spins you around like a centrifuge until you feel yourself starting to blackout. Then it pulls you down and offers you a warm cup of tea and an icepack before throwing you headfirst through a fifth-story window into an alligator pond. "Fury Road" is a...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Diagnosing the campus: Peer Educators help SMC students deal with psychological hurdles

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Santa Monica College's Psychological Services department is raising awareness through its Ready to Talk, Ready to Listen Peer Educator pilot program. Two student pioneers of this project are SMC psych majors Nicole Cutrona and Mirian De La Cruz. Both are working through an internship as 'Peer Educators' to essentially provide a service that...