Award-winning writer as well as film school graduate with a wide variety of interests ranging from the arts to current events. Santa Monica, California
Worked on 592 assignments, created 246, named on 221 bylines for The Corsair.
By Alci Rengifo + 3 others for The Corsair - 6 min read
Requiem for a narcissist: UCSB shooter
Something is terribly wrong with individuals in our society. Almost a year after a gunman shattered the peace at Santa Monica College, Santa Barbara has now experienced its own tragedy through bloodshed at the hands of Elliot Rodger, a Santa Barbara City College student, who claimed to be incensed by the fact that women on campus would reject him for...
By James Powel (Alci as desk editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read
Applied Music benefit concert showcases shining talents
A violist was missing from the Broad Stage on Friday night. When the ensemble that was set to perform "Tide Pools" by Louis Stephenson stepped on to the stage, violist Gracie McAleer was not among them. McAleer, in dramatic fashion, walked onto the stage a few minutes later, receiving a warm welcome from her waiting audience. She drew a few...
By Walter Flores (Alci as desk editor) + 2 others for The Corsair - 3 min read
Flashback Fridays: Spaceballs
Long before the "Scary Movie" series, Mel Brooks was going it solo when it came to making parodies of box office hits, and among his best was "Spaceballs."Released in 1987, "Spaceballs" arriveed on time to mark the tenth anniversary of the release of George Lucas's space opera "Star Wars," which by then had already cemented itself as a major cultural...
By Alci Rengifo + 3 others for The Corsair - 4 min read
Student designers prepare for annual fashion show
A line of girls in fashionable wear and summer clothing stood around as cloth was strewn and examined in preparation for the May 29th LA Mode fashion show. The event will be held by the SMC Fashion Department to showcase the latest, stylistic visions of the department's students and emerging artisans. On Thursday designers and instructors gathered to select what...
By Alci Rengifo + 3 others for The Corsair - 5 min read
India puts on the jackboots
India, the world's largest democracy with an estimated 1.2 billion inhabitants, has entered a terrifying new era with the election last week of Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party. Essentially China's great economic rival in the east has voted in a fascist party. It is not hyperbole to suggest that India while now be the first, major fascist power...
By Alci Rengifo (Alci as desk editor) + 2 others for The Corsair - 4 min read
SMC students by day, rock stars by night.
On Monday night amidst the quiet of Lincoln Blvd, a bluesy roar enveloped The TRiP bar, courtesy of Albino Rino, a hard-hitting band composed of Santa Monica College film students who met on set and decided they could make music together. The group features Jihan Casquejo on guitar, David Fields on drums, and Robert Paradov on bass. Together they produced...
By Rachel Gianuario (Alci as desk editor) + 4 others for The Corsair - 6 min read
Gojira takes no prisoners
Through the billowing wall of smoke rising from the city’s fiery annihilation emerges the hero and destructor of four major commercial cities. With a snout that looks close to a smashed up accident on the 405 and a piercing scream akin to the "Jurassic Park" T-rex, Godzilla has come trudging back into the cinema limelight. The remake of the science-fiction...
By Patrick Shanley (Alci as desk editor) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read
SMC grad screens film at USC
On Monday night at the University of Southern California's Eileen Norris Cinema Theater, the student filmmakers of the 310 Green course presented their current work. In total, 18 short films written, directed, shot, and edited by the students themselves were shown to the audience. The films covered a wide range of genres. Dramas, comedies, horror, and even a western were...
By Elizabeth Moss (Alci as desk editor) + 1 other for The Corsair - 2 min read
Flashback Fridays: We Will Rock You
As a child, evenings in my home were usually spent around the surround-sound stereo set in the living room, blasting the greatest hits of the past five decades as my sister and I choreographed each piece to performance worthy perfection. This music included Electric Light Orchestra, Jefferson Starship, Smash Mouth and the rock-opera grandeur of Queen. Particularly the inspiring "We...
By Alci Rengifo + 3 others for The Corsair - 8 min read
In response to the inquisitors
As the writer of the piece in question I will respond here to the accusations made directly at the article “Pole Dancing Olympics.” There appears to be a serious misunderstanding here as to what journalism entails. The article was a report about a specific event, an awards ceremony, on a specific evening, in a specific place. As a reporter I...