Alci Rengifo

Award-winning writer as well as film school graduate with a wide variety of interests ranging from the arts to current events. Santa Monica, California

Worked on 592 assignments, created 246, named on 221 bylines for The Corsair.

(Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 6 min read

In memoriam of a legend in educational leadership

The auditorium was loud with social gathering. A large screen showed an aged man’s face overlooking the audience as a form of spectacle. His eyes were a clear blue; he pensively surveyed the crown with a firm hand under his chin, attempting to take in everyone present. His presence was striking, even if he stood unknown to you. Under his...

(Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

New mural at Santa Monica airport captures the spirit of aviation history

Mike Machat is one of the biggest names in aviation art and history, but you'd never tell by looking at him. At the unveiling of his newest mural, "Flying Navy", at the Museum of Flying at the Santa Monica airport, he blends in with the modest crowd that has gathered to admire his work. In fact, it's not until a...

(Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 6 min read

A.S. votes in four new members as new vacancy announced

Monday’s Associated Students meeting announced the election of four new A. S. board directors, the announcement of one more vacancy as well as the board’s approval of funding for new campus activities. The four open board positions were filled through a rigorous voting process. After careful deliberation, the A. S. board elected Caitlin Corker as Vice President, Hasun Khan as...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

A.S. passes 2014-2015 budget and discusses new agenda

At the third A. S. meeting of the school year on Monday, September 15th, the new board adopted the 2014-2015 budget after tabling the issue twice at two previous meetings and changing the fiscal policy language. A candidate for the position of A. S. Vice President stepped forward, and concerns for the Cayton center were discussed. In the first meeting...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

SMC Community Commits to the clean-up

This Saturday, at The Inkwell beach in Santa Monica, Santa Monica College, in collaboration with the Black Surfers Collective, hosted one of the over fifty statewide beach cleanup sites for Coastal Clean Up Day, the largest volunteer day on the planet. 675 registered volunteers, excluding the 50 or so SMC students from Eco-action, the Marine Biology Club, Plastic Free SMC,...

(Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

What in the World is a Corsair?

Many of us have said it, we see it around campus, we hear it being yelled in the field and yet students of Santa Monica College are not aware of what our mascot is. We have all been in contact with the word, one way or another, but If someone asked you what it means, what would your answer be?...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 7 min read

Protesters march in South Central L.A. over Ezell Ford shooting

On Saturday, the streets of South Central Los Angeles were again the site of small, but determined protests sparked by the recent shooting death of Ezell Ford by Los Angeles Police Department officers. Ford, a mentally disabled, 19-year-old black male, was shot by LAPD officers Sharlton Wampler and Antonio Villegas last month when they claimed he refused to obey orders...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

Making the right decisions is the key to success

Flashing lights, catwalks, glamorous models and red-carpets is what usually comes to mind when imagining the fashion industry. What many people might not think of is all the hard work it takes to get to the top, and to stay there. Choosing the right school for a specific major is something that can be easier said than done. “You’re making...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 6 min read

Wetlands bares all, but says nothing.

We live in the age of sensationalism. In the landscape of current post-modernism, the limit is pushed in music, TV and film for the sake of being pushed, there does not even need to be the pretext of a coherent, focused idea(l). For a clear, in your face example, look no further than Germany's little infant terrible offering for the...

(Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

Welcoming the future, whenever that may be.

It’s safe to say that whether you’re from Europe, Africa, Asia, the United states or anywhere else, you’re just as human as the next person you see. People from all walks of life are unified through the fact that they’re people too, capable of understanding, learning and infinitely more things to possibly list. Despite this unity, not all things in...