Alci Rengifo

Award-winning writer as well as film school graduate with a wide variety of interests ranging from the arts to current events. Santa Monica, California

Worked on 592 assignments, created 246, named on 221 bylines for The Corsair.

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Less Socializing and Partying Among College Students, Survey Reveals

A 2014 comprehensive survey released by UCLA found a declination in socializing among today’s college students with social media replacing face-to-face interaction. With more and more educated people joining the labor force, as it demands, and more college freshman entering, as the survey reports, with aspirations of advanced degrees, socializing, it appears, has taken a backseat in the college experience....

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 6 min read

The Shape Shifter: Kelly Thompson prepares to shoot latest SMC Film 33 project

SMC film student Kelly Thompson is preparing to tell a story about the way consumer society distorts our sense of physical beauty. Thompson is the latest auteur to be given the chance to shoot a short film as part of SMC's Film 33 production course. Her script entitled "The Shape Shifter" was selected by the program's head, professor Salvador Carrasco,...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Street art fair in Koreatown strives to save the Earth one mural at a time

Never before has such a grungy Koreatown alley looked so beautiful. Thanks to the efforts of passionate and dedicated local artists, Koreatown and Greater Los Angeles are looking better than ever with their creative and thought-provoking murals. This past Sunday, local street artists gathered in an alley behind Gabba Arts Gallery in Koreatown to create murals in celebration of Earth...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Earth Week piques interest in sustainable clubs

Monday morning during activity hour, many students leaving the Science and Art buildings found an unusual sight as they exited classes. Tables topped with vegetables lined the exterior pathway of the Organic Learning Garden as part of the first day of the Center for Environmental and Urban Studies (CEUS) and Associated Students' Earth Week at Santa Monica College. Microbiology student...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

The sounds of enlightenment Third Street: meet the Hare Krishnas

You may have seen them here on campus with copies of the Bhagavad Gita looking for monetary donations. You may have seen them on Fridays at the Third Street Promenade dancing and singing. “Hare Hare Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Rama Rama Rame Hare,” the group chants. The Promenade attracts characters of many kinds, musicians,...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

SMC students voice their opinions about consent

No means no and yes means yes. This is something Santa Monica College wants to emphasize this month. Informative workshops and events are held to educating the Santa Monica College community and to create a safer environment on campus. But what is sexual assault and where do we draw the line between a serious action and someone slapping your butt...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

SMC tennis players Nazdracheva and Jovic: A "deadly duo"

It’s not very often that you stumble across a great pairing. I mean, you’ve got socks, chopsticks and tennis shoes-- but what good is one without the other, right?Izabel Nazdracheva and Mayra Jovic had neither seen nor heard of one another before the winter of 2014. Though they both lived the majority of their lives in the Greater Los Angeles...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

Corsairs set to face previous loss in playoffs

It's rare that one gets to have a second chance to be victorious. However, the Santa Monica College Corsiars men's volleyball team will have that opportunity when they face the Orange Coast College Pirates, the team that defeated them in last year's California Community College Athletic Association State tournament finals, in the CCCA state tournament semi-finals on Thursday. In last...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 8 min read

Flashback Fridays: "Star Wars"

In a thousand years, long after our civilization has collapsed and our descendants huddle around a campfire underneath radioactive skies, they will no doubt hush to each other the tale of "Star Wars."George Lucas's opus long ago stopped being just a movie, it's now firmly our shared mythology. It's our pop culture version of Homer's "The Iliad." This is because...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

Letter From The Editor: Hearing all sides

This week SMC will elect a new student government. Voting has commenced and the following week could see an uptick in the political temperature on campus, or there might just be silence. This year's elections have come with a strange serenity. There was little time given for campaigning. The so-called "debate" last Tuesday was more of a Q&A and the...