Alci Rengifo

Award-winning writer as well as film school graduate with a wide variety of interests ranging from the arts to current events. Santa Monica, California

Worked on 592 assignments, created 246, named on 221 bylines for The Corsair.

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Battlefield: Baltimore - looking past the violence

When one person throws a rock, everyone must then throw a rock. That is the mentality of much of the youth participating in the rioting that began Monday night after the funeral of a black man who inexplicably died under police custody. Unfortunately, the impulsive violence--which protestors say is for Freddie Gray, the man who died--actually raises confusion as to...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 7 min read

Loving thyself: what I learned from Kim Kardashian

The Kardashian family are well known reality-TV stars accustomed to controversy and life's standard complications. From posing nude in Playboy magazine to running businesses and having babies, it’s hard to avoid their press releases or faces covering magazines while you’re standing in line at the grocery store. They’re on almost everything and it’s unavoidable. With fame, comes infamy which is...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Sports Op: Why American sports need to taste the rainbow

Back in the 1970s, openly gay, San Francisco politician Harvey Milk once remarked, "all over the country, they're reading about me, and the story doesn't center on me being gay. It's just about a gay person who is doing his job."Fast forward to 2015, the LGBT community has grown to adopt it's own place among American mainstream. However, in the...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 2 min read

Mayra Jovic Leads the Corsairs to Gold

This past weekend the Santa Monica College Corsairs left the 115th annual Ojai Tennis Tournament with the state title for number one women’s community college tennis team. The Corsairs were led by Mayra “The Captain" Jovic, who was able to claim two titles for herself, taking the gold in women’s singles and doubles, with the help of her teammate Izabel...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 2 min read

Mayra Jovic of SMC Women's Tennis earns WSC Player of the Year Award

Last Saturday as the Santa Monica College women's tennis team competed in conference playoffs, Mayra Jovic of SMC was awarded the Western State Conference "Player of the Year" award. Jovic, who entered Saturday's competition seeded first in women's singles, and doubles--with her teammate Izabel "Naz" Nazdracheva, advanced to Finals of the single draw and Semifinals in doubles. Both Jovic (12-0)...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 3 others for The Corsair - 6 min read

Winner of the race: Jesse Randel on winning the A.S. presidency

On Friday, Jesse Randel won the presidential seat of the Associated Students by the razor-sharp margin of 10 votes. It was a memorable victory that came just as Randel was leaving Los Angeles to spend spring break back home in Georgia. On Monday night Randel found himself delayed at an Atlanta airport on his way back to California but still...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

Elections see steady decline in voters

The Associated Students election season of 2015 has seen Santa Monica College’s lowest voter turnout since 2008. A total of 1,394 students voted in the final tally for the 2015 AS elections. The figures showed a clear decline when compared to the number from 2007, the first time the AS used electronic voting which brought in 2,395 voters. This year...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 4 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

SMC Tennis Maintains Momentum while heading into State Championships

The Santa Monica College women's tennis team is only days away from competing for the state title. Entering conference playoffs at the number three seed, behind Glendale and Santa Barbra respectively, Santa Monica, who was ranked 6-5 overall and 6-4 in the Western State Conference, found no difficulty in pirating the gold. On April 10, just after receiving the Western...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

3 Reasons why it may be hard to care for the A.S. Board

The new A. S president has been selected, and so ends the annual two-week period in which SMC students actually care about their student government. It is difficult to garner a student's full attention to the A. S. when they have no motive to give it. This, however, does not mean the A. S board is to blame. These are...

By (Alci as editor-in-chief) + 2 others for The Corsair - 5 min read

Dispatches from the friend zone

I am writing this from the comfortable land of the friend zone. Some readers may scoff and curl their lip with bitter scorn, but if we approach the term from a purely linguistic angle, it can be a blessing. Essentially the term "Friend Zone," in its cruel pop culture identity, means you've been deemed inadequate by a friend for dating,...