Aaron Lee

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Worked on 3 assignments, created 0, named on 3 bylines for The Corsair.

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

Women's soccer gears up for season

The weather reflected the mood of the team – just the right amount of sunshine, coupled with a gentle breeze that teases the hair and leaves the skin feeling refreshed. Matt Herold, assistant coach of the Santa Monica College women's soccer team, had just put the team through several drills that cultivated ball-control skills and overall physical fitness. It is...

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 3 min read

As a matter of fact

The way we know things today is vastly different from a century, a decade or even a year ago. New technologies and mediums are constantly introduced and integrated into our lives. Consequently, the way information is transmitted also changes with the introduction of television, the Internet, smartphones and social media. In the next minute, 700 YouTube videos are shared through...

By + 4 others for The Corsair - 4 min read

The 'C' in community college stands for comfort zone

A collegiate experience is more than sitting in class and learning from a textbook. It is a life experience where similar-minded students grow and excel in early adulthood independence. Most graduates, including professors, will tell you that most of the learning in higher education takes place outside the classroom. Community college is different though. A sense of belonging can often...